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Our Programs



United Nations ECOSOC Youth Forum

Neha was part of the ECOSOC Youth Forum, which discussed ways in which young people can and are helping to manage the shift from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also addressed ways to ensure that the needs and priorities of all youth are at the center of the future development agenda and its implementation. The Youth Forum brought young leaders from around the world to the UN Headquarters in New York. It is a platform for youth to engage in dialogue with Member States and contribute to policy formulation on economic and social aspects.

Safe schools-Netherlands

Neha filmed a video that was used as part of the “Make Some Change for Safe Schools” Campaign, an initiative organized by Kids Rights and featuring Dutch Influencers and March for our Lives.

Hope XXL Global Summit

Neha spoke to 800 young people about leadership and involvement in the United Nations new Sustainable Development Agenda.



Neha spoke about the impact of Empower Orphans and the opportunity for students to create their own change. Other speakers during this event included Aria Finger, CEO of Do Something.

International Children’s Peace Prize Ceremony

Neha spoke at the ICPP Ceremony, paying tribute to Archbishop Desmond Tutu and recognizing the March for Our Lives co-founders as the recipients of the award in 2018.

Annual Kiwanis Convention

Neha spoke to 1,200 high school and college students from Key Clubs and Circle K clubs across the country about youth leadership and the importance of global engagement.


Kids Rights Youngsters

Neha co-founded the Youngsters, which is a unique youth-led advocacy and awareness raising platform of the International Children’s Peace Prize winners, that aims to realize children’s rights, as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Youngsters urge decision-makers to constantly put children’s rights at the core of the (inter)national agendas and to collaborate with children and youth to substantially improve the quality of life of children around the globe. They work with the United Nations, international embassies, and global peace summits.

The Price of Free Documentary Screening

In partnership with The Sathyarthi Foundation, the Penn State Chapter hosted a screening for the global release of The Price of Free Documentary, a documentary about Nobel Prize Laureate Kailash Satyarthi and his mission to end child slavery.

Trust Women Conference

As part of the Trust Women Conference and the End Child Slavery Week campaign, Neha and Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi spoke about the injustices of child slavery. This was held in London in 2014.

Activism: Our Programs

Empower Orphans is a registered 501(c)3 organization

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